TeacherVision is a digital library of K-12 resources offering premium subscriptions to teachers and schools. To introduce more users to the download & subscription flow, they needed a new page template for their high traffic articles that emphasized the download button and communicated its value and trustworthiness to users. I tackled this problem as the only designer in Sandbox's internal marketing agency.
These pages are a popular resource for teachers, but they tended to copy & paste rather than save a pdf to keep handy. Reasons for this behavior were easy to recognize: the download button was beneath a dividing line on the page and near ads, making it hard to tell if users would download a sketchy file or the intended resource. 
I used e-commerce UI patterns to refresh the design so it's more of a digital product page than an article. The new layout places the download button higher, pushes the article lower, and informs users of exactly what they're downloading. 
The Impact & Future
Unfortunately these designs didn't make it past development due to a shift in priorities for Sandbox Group's learning brands. Even so, we recommended this design be used as a blueprint for similar pages and tests once the new direction was decided. 

Additional Work